A new chapter begins

Dear little sparks,
In celebration of life, love and connection this NEW website is dedicated to my creative adventures. It will feature my songwriting and my performance with the Deanna Knight Tree-O, Hot Club of Mars and Vancouver's Grateful Dead Tribute GD/BC. My site of 20+ years has been archived to www.SheMoon.ca for those who might like to dig around a little in my colourful past ;) 

I feel so blessed looking back at endless shows and endless fun I have had so far in my 30+ yrs musical journey. Always surrounded by fabulous musicians on beautiful and unique stages. Dance halls, festivals, supper clubs and swing clubs, theatres, restaurants and retirement homes, churches, hotels, living rooms, parks and you name it. Actually, the first Hot Club gig I joined in on was in the perfume department of The Bay! So many opportunities to inspire dancing, lively conversation and healing. 

I'm soooo excited to share my upcoming sophomore album with you all. I have worked a long time to realize this dream and these songs come through me for you. They feel very much like prayers for humanity and our planet and I hope they spark hope and healing for a brighter future.

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